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Kyle Wilkinson Blog

  • Writer's pictureKyle Wilkinson

The Apple Watch Activity Challenges

It’s the start of October, it’s the start of the last quarter of 2019 and it’s the start of the supposed last month of the UK being in the EU. But I’m not interested in talking about politics, I’m writing today all about some of the activity challenges that come with the Apple Watch.

For those who don’t know Activity is the app that comes with the Apple Watch and is all about closing your rings. Closing your rings is meant to be the motivation you need to have a better wellbeing, feeling healthier and to smash your fitness goals.

The three rings

You have three rings, the first one is your move ring. To close this, you need to burn a set amount of ACTIVE calories. The key thing there is the word active. You need to be actually doing things to burn the active calories as for example you are always burning calories. A good example taken from the Apple website [1] is Walking the dog or gardening.

The second ring is the green exercise goal. This is very simple all you need to do is complete 30 minutes of exercise each day. To do this you could do a walkout but also can include the walk between the train and your office.

The third and final ring is the stand ring. To complete this all you need to do is stand for at least one minute in an hour, for 12 hours a day. Sounds easy and that’s because it is. It also may sound pointless especially when its ten to the hour and it beeps telling you its time to stand. However, completing the stand goal each day will help prevent blood clots in the body.

Anyway, that’s the rings explained and if you want to know more there is a brilliant page on the Apple website. Check it out here:

The challenges

To start with every user gets the same challenges. These include closing all your rings everyday each week to closing your move goals 500 times. One very hard challenge is closing your move goal which would be 100% but then doing it another three times after. Meaning you would have to close your move ring four times in total. I’ve had my Apple watch almost four years and I’ve only managed to do this once and that was on the day where I did the Bay to breakers run in San Francisco followed by climbing the twin peaks in San Francisco in the same day. So, it is quite the challenge.

Every month the activity app gives you a new challenge, these challenges vary from user to user and vary on what your activity has been like in the past. It is great to read what other users get on the Macrumors forum. The challenge I have this month seems fairly simple all I need to do is close my Exercise ring 17 times. I’m already on 2 and it’s the second of October. Check out this page on the Macrumors forum, some of these certainly seem more challenging.

Apple tend to do these special event Activity challenges too, for example they do a earth challenge one and completing it earns you a special medal. Whilst writing this post I noticed that all my medals have in fact disappeared.

The Apple watch I 100% recommend if you don’t all ready have one. It’s the perfect companion to go with your iPhone. It’s a focused on looking after your health and I’ve read many articles in the past about the Apple watch saving someone’s life. 9to5Mac reported a case this week[2] where an Apple watch detects a Dad’s heart condition!

Writing more soon and hope to see you again!

Kyle Wilkinson

I’ve written more about the Apple Watch:

Something Small about 5 – Apple Watch Series 5 and more.

Apple Watch Sport Loops

[1] Apple Watch – Close your rings – Apple (UK)

[2] 9to5Mac – Apple watch detects British Dads heart condition requiring surgery to avoid stroke or heart attack.


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