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Kyle Wilkinson Blog

  • Writer's pictureKyle Wilkinson

WWDC20 - A Summary

Today Apple hosted their annual WWDC Keynote, revealing the latest and greatest in their software innovations. Let's get started by looking at...

iOS 14

iOS 14 started with a new refreshed home screen design which allows you to add new widgets to the homescreen. If you have a lot of apps you can now easily look for an app in the new "App Library" which automatically organises your apps in to categories. I'll cover the new home screen and widgets in my iOS 14 review.

Siri - A much revamped design which no longer takes up the whole screen. It can now also translate languages and comes with a new Translate app which all has apples dedication to privacy in mind.

Messages has a few new features including pinned mesages, group photos as well as being to be able quickly reply to messages directly. (Plus there's a few more WhatsApp like features)

New Memojis with a new Facemask Memoji sticker.

App Clips, A new feature which is a small part of an app which stops the user needing to download a full app. Perfect for things like parking meters or the deckles pony bikes that we have in Oxford. The app clip can't be more than 10MB in size and the user can easily download the full app at a tap of a button.

WatchOS 7

Watch faces - Now you can have more then one complication on a watch face from an app and if you think your watch face is pretty cool. Now you can share it with friends so you can have matching watch faces

Sleep - Finally Apple have made a cool sleep tracker for the Apple Watch. The iPhone will help you wind down in the day with some cool new iOS 14 features and then the Apple Watch will begin tracking your sleep overnight. When you wake up the watch will display this new good morning screen and will let you know if you need to charge up! (I'm going to be writing more on this feature soon and it will be interesting to see how the charging comes along with things like Parkrun days)

Hand washing- Yes with the world getting used to the new normal Apple has led the way with a new hand washing feature making sure you wash your hands for the full 20 seconds and will even remind you when you get home to make sure you do it first.

macOS 11.0 Big Sur

The end of an era, Mac OS X first launched in 2001 with 10.0 Cheetah and now in 2020 Apple has released macOS 11.00 Big Sur and with it "The biggest change since in Mac OS redesign" and it certainly does. Pictures speak better then words in terms of the changes but these were my brief notes I made.

  • Finder looks like Files now from iPadOS

  • Dock now floats

  • Control centre now on macOS and Redesigned notification centre including the new iOS widgets.

  • New safari updates, focused on privacy features.

This post is my quick summary of notes I made during the keynote and following this I'll be doing some research into each more and will be writing more about it this week. Stay tuned for more and follow me on Twitter

Thanks for reading

Kyle Wilkinson


WWDC 2020, Read more*2

WWDC 2020 - A Summary

iOS 14, First looks.

WatchOS 7, First Looks.


(All images shown above are from the Apple WWDC 2020 Special Keynote. I do not own any images above.)

[2] Links are shortened using "Shortened URL" and their main site can be accessed here


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