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Kyle Wilkinson Blog

  • Writer's pictureKyle Wilkinson

Kyle Wilkinson Media - Mid Year Review

Normally I wouldn’t share details on performance of KWM. I also wouldn’t consider the end of September to be the middle of the year either. The reason for my review of everything being so late I’ll get in to later.

Each year I write a document which is split into categories depending on what areas or projects I want to work on during the year. These often then have sub-goals which are monitored throughout the year using a piece of Excel Software I have created called “Your Performance” – Something I’m planning on talking more about online around December / November time later in the year.

KWM 2022 Targets – Mid Year Review

Kyle Wilkinson eBay

This is the first main category in my original document which I wanted to focus on. It’s something I always add on each year and is also something I’ve never shared apart from on the odd occasion as a link on Twitter.

Buying & selling on eBay has been something I’ve been secretly doing in the background since late 2015. With Net-Revenue peaking at £814.38 in 2016 & Net-Profit peaking in 2019 at £328.86. It was never enough income to be taxable or living off but was always a little bit of extra pocket money whilst also something I’d secretly enjoy in the meantime.

In 2021 “KWe” dropped in Net-Sales to £358.65 (Lowest Since 2017) & Net-Profit of £152.27 (Lowest Since 2020) so I wanted to re-vitalize the Growth whilst also using things I’ve learnt in my actual job to push Net-Profit. However due to an altercation with eBay in late May trading on eBay has ceased to exist since and is likely to for the remainder of the year because of this since my focus has been elsewhere and the current figures during my Mid-year review are likely to be the same by the end of the year.

{2022 – Kyle Wilkinson eBay – Targets}

Net-Sales: £750.00

Net-Profit: £202.85

[Net-Profit is 27.04% of Total Net-Sales]

{Mid-Year – Kyle Wilkinson eBay ACTUAL PERFORMANCE}

Net-Sales: £399.71 - £350.29 Below 2022 Target - £41.06 Above 2021 Actual

Net-Profit: £156.25 - £46.60 Below 2022 Target - £3.53 Above 2021 Actual

[Net-Profit is currently 39.09% of Total Net-Sales – 3.49% Less then 2021]

Kyle Wilkinson Media - YouTube & Twitter

This is something that is talked about I just don’t normally share the specifics. In 2021 KWM failed to make any “Linear digital content” (For reference, Linear Digital Content is something which the user / viewer would read or watch, not interactive) I did do a little bit of writing in 2021 but it wasn’t enough, and nothing was made use with it.

My aim this year is different however, Yes writing more is good! BUT I also want to make use of that. Using YouTube to share content is something I have missed quite a lot. In previous years most of my YouTube content has been vlogging related videos and whilst I have no issues with making more of these – I want to produce more relevant & content of quality.

My second aim with YouTube is to Publish content in a different style to before. To go with Blog posts, I want to be able to also speak my mind with the relevant blog post at the time,

For example, In September we just had the Special iPhone & Apple Watch Event Keynote

- Following the event, I write and publish a blog post summarising key points from the event whilst also adding in my personal opinions in my usual quirky style

- Shortly after publishing the blog post, I’d write some key bullet points from the post, Then I’d go outside & either sat down or slowly moving record a video of me talking to the camera about those key bullet points. Why outside, this is to make MY summary and opinions about the “iPhone & Apple Watch Event” stand out & be different to all the rest.

- These two different types of “Linear digital content” will then be promoted through a series of tweets across a two-week period – This in turn will also expand the reach of KWM if everything is timed correctly.

There is several different types of metrics to assess performance of KWM YouTube & Twitter so I choose to just focus on 2 main targets on both platforms below is the target & the Mid-Year performance of them:

Twitter Impressions: 2022 Target – 74,059 : Mid Year Actual Performance – 37,677

Tweets: 2022 Target – 376 : Mid Year Actual Performance - 262

Upload Minutes: 2022 Target – 60 Minutes (1 Hr) : Mid Year Actual Performance – 40 Minutes

Watch Time: 2022 Target – 5.0 Hour : Mid Year Actual Performance – 7.0 Hour

So looking above you could say that the year has been so far successful in some areas. In my opinion and looking at a few other statistics on Your Performance I would certainly call it “Mixed results”. I’ll explain my opinion.

Firstly, to help understand better, Tweet Impressions one unit on this figure is when a Tweet published by myself on the Twitter account that I use to speak my mind more & publish / promote other content. Gets viewed by another Twitter account.

So the reason these 4 targets we’re persifically set at the start of the year is these four measurable targets keeping up with them would ensure that digital content would get created in a fair amount across KWM Platforms throughout the year that would be considered growth.

The biggest disappoint for me was that so much more could have been created and the best example of that was during Apple’s WWDC events earlier back in the year.

During the event KWM Published:

- 3x Blog posts related to the event – (WWDC22 – A Quick Summary of the Keynote (1 Minute read) ; (iOS 16 – 3 Weeks on, What’s it like?) ; (WatchOS9 – The biggest update to the Apple Watch in a long time)

- 1x YouTube Video – Pre WWDC-Event – 5 Minutes Length – (Talking about WWDC22, iPods & #ShotOniPhone things)

So the disappoint comes In two ways before any of this content was created – A document gets created called “KWM Event Planning & Publishing Schedule”. In the original publishing schedule was a total planned:

- 8 NEW Written Blog Posts (Only 4 Created)

- 6 NEW YouTube Videos (3 Pre-Event & 3 Post-Event, Only 1 created – Pre-Event)

This event could have been so much more for KWM had there just been more focus by myself of things that mattered but also had there not been so many other issues around myself to fix outside of KWM.

To further dismay my disappointment with not only this WWDC season but also the progress of digital content throughout the year. There is so much digital content I have wasted this year because of poor descions leading me to get distracted and then by the time I produced the content so that it was finished. A month had already passed since the WWDC keynote making the content irrelevant at the time. To not leave anything left out here, After the keynote I wanted to also restart “Kyle Wilkinson Blog – The Podcast”, The Podcast itself wasn’t going to be anything special but a recording of me speaking all the words of each blog post when it was published.

This meant that my blog posts could either be read online or streamed via different platforms depending on what you use. I got both podcasts recorded however the editing wasn’t done in time. I also did record a video about the WWDC keynote afterwards however this wasn’t a time issue this was because I was not happy with the quality of the video. It was so bad that in the end I scrapped the whole thing but still you can see already how much content has been wasted in the background.

I had one more target for KWM YouTube and that was this “To create 1 MAIN Digital video linear product” Whilst 2022 is still not over for what I had in mind Pre-Production & Possibly production of the video could be done this year. However, getting the video edited & published without ruining the quality of the video by the end of the year just isn’t going to happen. Which is a shame because with what I had in mind I haven’t done since 2019 with “Party In Faringdon – Parody of Party in U.S.A”.

Kyle Wilkinson Online & Blog

This bit is not all doom & gloom to be honest, I’m happy to say as your reading on it now that I did achieve getting the blog back online at the start of the year with some new content on it. It’s not the same as its missing its own Domain name for example unlike before however it is the best option for now! “Kyle Wilkinson Online” the location for all my created digital content overtime isn’t back online yet BUT I intend to keep it that way for now whilst I make quite a few changes to the site to essentially futureproof it.

The way I’m seeing it now is it currently comes across like it’s designed to sell products (I.e The pages designed to showcase the way I’ve designed the website & the tools I used to create it {InDesign & Photoshop} but instead it shows more links to Apple Books & The Google Play store. The reason I wanted to really mention this is if you are currently reading this still, I’d love to get more & more feedback on it.

If you’ve never been to my website, you can look here:

Other (KWM Software & Innovation, Instagram & Book Publishing)

This is the last section of my document & it’s something I hadn’t ever added before to this document. It was because I wanted to get more and more achieved during the year and have as much linking together as possible. For example, above I mention “Instagram”.

KWM Instagram account is an account which is pacifically profiled as being an Instagram blog showcasing photos that are exclusively shot on an iPhone & with it, I only put the best of the best on there. Most of them are also unedited (Unless stated) – Most photos on there are normally taken around half a year after taken which is intentional. These photos are always then sent around on other KWM channels & together can improve awareness of KWM Digital content.

Book Publishing is something which has been completely cancelled for now which sadly is a shame especially as one of the things I had been working on since 2019 was writing a full fictional story. I was hoping to get it all published this year but this is unlikely to happen if I want to achieve one thing this year. However, I still will be keeping the project open.

If you didn’t know I already have two eBooks on Apple Books & The Google Play store. However, both are non-fictional. One being a magazine a designed which has longer versions of some previous blog posts. The second is a book about how I designed “Kyle Wilkinson Online”.

If you want to take a look, Simply search “Kyle Wilkinson” in the search bar of your chosen store.

Lastly I wrote a small other bit where I mentioned how I also really wanted to focus on helping my mental health something which has gone down hill further & further really. This is why I’m sharing this review for the first time.

In writing this It’s going to be the start in a great new development of refocus & a better me, It’s also the longest and best review I’ve ever written on all KWM Digital media channels and I look forward to creating more and more each day and being able to share them all online.

Thanks for reading,

Kyle Wilkinson


Twitter – Talking about Apple but to be honest all sorts of small geeky things & running –

Instagram – Everything worth sharing from my #ShotOniPhone only collection –

YouTube – Sometimes I talk on here instead of writing it down & See my Apple opinions in the most different way around -


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